
About ADP

Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. is a non-profit entity charged with management of the Downtown Improvement District (DID). Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. provides clean and safe services, marketing and event promotion, and serves as an advocate for business and property owners within the DID on issues affecting downtown.

Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. is funded by two sources: assessment funds and non-assessment funds. The assessment provides between 50-60% of the total annual budget, with additional funds coming from membership fees, sponsorships, contracts, and fee-in-lieu of assessment grants.

Our Guiding Values

Vision: Downtown is essential to the success of Anchorage

Core Purpose: To assure a vibrant, safe & clean downtown

Core Values:

  • Stewardship
  • One Voice
  • Partnership
  • Service
  • Everyone’s downtown

Mission Statement: To increase cleanliness, occupancy rates, investment values and lease income; to decrease crime and increase safety; to stimulate economic growth, civic engagement, and development; and, to improve the quality of life in downtown Anchorage.

First Objective in Articles of Incorporation: To pursue, without pecuniary profit, and in the most cost-effective manner, planning and operating activities to improve the cleanliness, attractiveness, marketability, and safety of Downtown Anchorage. 

Membership & Governance

Membership and Governance

Current bylaws of Anchorage Downtown Partnership, Ltd. allow for two classes of membership: voting and non-voting. Voting membership is open to assessment payers and dues paying members. Non-voting membership is open to interested citizens, without geographical limitation, who wish to support the mission and goals of ADP.

ADP is governed by a Board of Directors. Any voting member or designated representative is eligible to seek election to the Board. Directors are elected annually at the regular annual meeting of the membership. The Board is comprised of members from each of the following categories:

a. Downtown Property Owner
b. Downtown Resident
c. Downtown Business
d. Public Agency
e. Professional Service Provider
f. At large

ADP holds regular Board meetings and keeps correct and complete minutes of membership meetings and the proceedings of its Board of Directors.

In addition, ADP hosts an Annual Meeting of the membership on a date in each year designated by the Board of Directors for the purpose of electing or appointing Directors and/or for the transaction of such other business as may properly be brought before the meeting. Notice of the annual membership meeting is given to the members not less than ten (10) days prior to the meeting, and for all other meetings, the membership shall be given not less than five (5) days notice. Ballots for the election of Directors are distributed to the membership in conjunction with giving notice of the annual meeting.

Anchorage Visitor Information Center

About Our Neighborhood

Anchorage Visitor Information Center

Our Team

Downtown Anchorage, Alaska with Chugach mountains in the background

Board of Directors

Anchorage Visitor Information Center

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